Monday, June 25, 2007

Aaaahhh to be by the beach.

In my years I've never seen the ocean, a beach (Melvern Lake swimming area does NOT count) or any body of water larger than the dirty nasty Mississippi! I even have a great excuse to go down to the Gulf and play in the water but alas... here i sit in my land locked world.

I have to admit, the pictures my sister has sent from Alabama have helped to inspire a few pieces that are full of "oceanic" thoughts. I've enjoyed working with shell, mother of pearl and gorgeous blues and greens.

Rose Quartz and mother of pearl with a gorgeous large MOP pendant. This is such a striking necklace against tanned summer skin. And with one of my favorite styles of earring, the Gypsy Hoops!

The next set is affectionately called the "Bailey" after my precious niece. I thought long and hard on this name and when it came to me it was like a "light bulb" moment. With the large diamond MOP shaped pendant and the accents of round frame beads it made me think of a "topsy-turvy" motion. Anyone that has been around my niece would know that she's a mover and a shaker! Not to mention the beautiful earth tones of the Serpentine Jade throughout. OK now i miss my niece and my sister......
Quite honestly this next piece makes me really want to go swimming. The movement and funky lines make me think of moving waters and of course the colors of the quartz are just stunning. This piece is still yet to be named... so bring on the ideas!

Stay tuned for information regarding the GRAND OPENING of my store!! I'm working hard at getting my pieces lined out and all the fabulous descriptions written. Its a bit nerve wracking to think up descriptive ways to portray these pieces.... any talented writers out there? I'm going to wear out the thesaurus!



Val said...

I want either of the first two!! And since they were kinda inspired or at least reminded you of us, can I have them?? lol They are wonderful sis! Wish I had to money to spend on all your jewelry!!

Kelley WC said...

Oooh, love these!!