Monday, January 21, 2008

Ok Kelley, you win!

Since Kelley demanded it... I shall deliver!

Isn't it so freakin' cute!!! Gawd i could just stare at it all day! Again, Josephine at Retrospective Designs is just amazing and such a sweet woman. You have got to check out her Etsy site, fabulous photo montages, custom invitations, maps and her talents are endless!

As for the jewelry pieces mentioned below (oh yeah... that's what I do here.. I make jewelry.. huh.. damn near forgot) here are the pics of the newest fabulousness!

"Stellar" gorgeous black agate, crystal quartz and fantastic sterling silver pendant. Its just stunning!

"Ivy" Talk about a show stopper. This is the definition of turquoise gone classy~!

"Looper" another one of my HOT Cowgirl Pinups, this time she's kicked back with her rope... ready to drop a loop over that hot cowboy of her dreams.
"Astonished" one of my favorite designs. The star concho is engraved with a beautiful flourish pattern. Black agate and sterling.

Whew... ok, there is more but I'm beat. Guess you'll just have to check for the rest of it. These pieces will be released for sale throughout this week.

Until next time~

TPJ.... OUT!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

The official TPJ Logo!!

Wow, time flies when you're taking a little break! I cant believe I've been absent this long already.

But back to work! New designs coming soon (hopefully the weather will cooperate this weekend for photos)! Just a little teaser at whats in store:
"Stellar"= Gorgeous double strand in black agate and quartz with the most "bling-tastic" sterling pendant!
"Astonished"= Black Agate and onyx with sterling silver accents and the prettiest of Star conchos as a centerpiece. Very similar to "Chapparal"!!
"Comanche"= A darling bracelet of pink turquoise and brown bone beads. Its so darling with a pink turquoise cross as the centerpiece. Matching earrings too!

And more to come~!

Now for exciting news on the TPJ front. WE HAVE A LOGO!!!!
I've been working with Josephine of Retrospective Design
on the new logo for TPJ and we're DONE! I'm so excited and Josephine was an absolute doll to work with. Now if i can only figure out how to get it on here for you to see.... i really need to know more about computers! OOps!

Until next time~
Peace, Love and flourish~
