Beside being busy in my personal life I've also been busy getting the "business" all situated. Tax time, business classes, and then throw in 2 kids just for fun. Its just insanity i tell you!
So this past weekend was some time for TPJ and Saturday afternoon I was able to knock out 3 new designs. A necklace that is gorgeous, and 2 bracelets that i find totally cool and tons of fun! 'em out!
"Pillar"... only because I didn't think "caterpillar" would be appealing. But look at it... it looks like a centipede or something of the sort! Gorgeous teal/turquoise dyed shells all stacked up. It bends so nicely around the wrist. I think shell is going to be a favorite this season!
And last but not least.... "Jersey". Now when i think "Jersey" it brings to mind 2 things... Coyote Ugly (der... i love that movie) and my friend Josie who lives there. Now this piece just so happens to be named after Josie since she was begging for something beach inspired and shells. I think she got it with this one!!! Gorgeous shells and sterling silver.
I just love warmer weather and the inspiration it brings! Bring on the creativity and bring it on in masses!!! I'm ready!
Oh first show of the spring season.... "One Big Party" for Ozanam! 421 E. 137th Street, Kansas City, Mo!
Until next time~
Peace, Love and sandy beaches