Sunday, December 20, 2009

Yes I do love JEWELRY!!

I'll admit it... i LOVE jewelry, cant help it. Its the one thing that can take a t-shirt and jeans from blah housewife to VA VA VA VOOOM in a matter of seconds! 5 strands of pearls with a t-shirt... why yes I will!! Big earrings with a pony tail... well of course! There is just no reason to NOT love jewelry.

Now of course since I started TPJ it seems to take quite a bit to "wow" me but lately.... wow is pretty frequent! My tastes are evolving and the talent making its way to Etsy is MIND BLOWING!
Today... I HAVE to share with you: Bionic Unicorn This Minneapolis based designer hit Etsy in September of 2008 and has had my eye for a while!

Call it Steampunk, call it eco- friendly assemblage... I call it FANTASTIC!
and I've linked her shop all around too. Its just beauty.
Until next time (and look at me I didn't wait 5 months)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rebirth.... renew.....

So I've abandoned this blog. I used to use this to show off what was new from The Prairie Jeweler but this past year has been such an event that really, TPJ has been on the back burner. Still warm but not anything like it used to be. Dont worry though, i'm ok with that!

The first anniversary of Whatta Waist is about to come... and its been a MOST amazing year. I've learned so much about myself artistically as well as personally. I have to say that without Kari 2009 would have been so much less FANTASTIC. I thank you from the bottom of my heart! What a wild ride and I cant wait to see what trouble we can get ourselves into in 2010.

NOW... as for this blog... I think i'll take it for a spin... show off some of my favorite things from Etsy (the best place to shop EVA). I still feel like so many people are missing out on the wonders that the handmade world has to offer.

TODAYS find for me.... Bagatelles And Co.... This shop is filled with the prettiest of little clutches and bags. It makes me wish for hot NYE plans to bring in 2010. Think I'd look silly sitting at the house with my kids and holding on to one of these gorgeous bags???

This is my favorite.. its the plaid that gets me every time~

Well... it may be short and sweet but at least its a post!

Until next time~
Peace, Love and Kilts

TPJ & Whatta Waist

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Weston here I come!!!!

Its been a long Blogging break and I make no promises to do better. Only reason i'm getting this on here now is because I've been SUPER busy getting ready for this weekend. TPJ is coming to Cactus Creek Studios! Yep, beware Weston, Missouri... I'm comin your way!

And here is a little sneak peek!!!

The "Guitar Goddess" is the latest from the Pinup Collection!

"Ranch Queen" is pure beauty in Mother of Pearl, freshwater pearls and gorgeous sterling silver with a striking Turquoise cross and sterling silver concho.
And not to mention just a few of the over 25 new cuffs that will be going to the show!

Talk about some fun flavors here!
Hope ya'll can make it! Its sure to be a great time!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yes I'm still alive....

I know its pointless to apologize for being so negligent but man... I'M SORRY!!! I've been busy for sure and the blog has suffered.

So here you go... a little photo guide to what I've been doing......

Every trip needs to start out with a little vintage truck lovin! I wanted to stop but the driver didnt care. She's so hardcore. boo

This one is for her though... she was lovin on the retro neon all along the way. It was just gloomy enough to see the glow!

And now for the Claremore, Ok Green Country Classic Ranch Rodeo set up! The first duo between TPJ and Whatta Waist. We had a blast and i think the set ups looked great!

Dont ya just love the "Cuff Tree"? I'm thinking it needs lights around it... hmmmm

The uber talented Kari of Kari Crump Mosaics also known as my partner in crime!

Even the cowboys love Nelli and her fancy new hat~ Later in the weekend a boy actually bought the feather off of her new Derby!

Zeb Oliver of Oliver Saddle Company camped out showing us his kickin' new bicycle! He's a hoot!

And the gorgeous shot we got on our way home!!!

Lets hope it doesnt take me months to update ya'll next time!

Peace, Love and Olde Glory~

Whatta Waist

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wholy Bat $hit~ I've been busy....

The teaser a month ago was the last time I had about 2 breaths to myself I think! If you haven't heard my mosaic artist friend, Kari of Kari Crump Mosaics, and I joined forces to bring "Whatta Waist" to this world! Launched on Etsy Friday February 13th and working on world domination currently!

We have our first trunk show tonight and we've been so super busy getting ready for that! Think we're geared up now and its all cake from here on out!

Here is a little preview for ya!

The ROckin' Girls of

Whatta Waist!!
Kari & MIchele

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cuffs Cuffs and More Cuffs!

I swear my love of leather has just gone off the charts. I've been so busy with the upcoming announcement that my other jewelry has been shoved aside BUT I never run out of steam when it comes to the Cuffs!

And since its my birthday I'm going to keep this less wordy and more purdy! Enjoy the latest from TPJ and be sure to check back often for hints as to whats going down in my world! Its super exciting!

Now as for that "announcement"....... heres a little hint.........

Now... stew on that... and
Until Next time~

Peace Love and Birthday Drinks

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wrists or Ears... Ears or Wrists

Well today's goal was to get another blog entry done... and look at me 3 hours to spare!! I tell ya I'm an overachiever! NOT

As I sit here listening to my heater run constantly I am so thankful that my hobby is one that is indoors and not oh say.... competitive tree climbing! Kansas has decided to get darn chilly this week. Think we're done seeing above freezing for a few days. I want to move to my sisters in Alabama!

So, today I have for your optical delight.... a couple more cuffs and some new earrings! TA DAA!

"Santa Fe" earrings are so cute! Great crosses and turquoise:

"RockStarred" cuff features a great star concho and black crystal accents:

"Paths" cuff makes a beautiful statement for you or your loved one:

"Lenox" earrings are the perfect match to the "Lenox" necklace! Or great on their own:

So there are a few morsels for you to chew on for a bit! I will be busy busy busy over the next 2 months getting geared up for the first show of the 09 season. Watch out Claremore Oklahoma, Nelli and I are coming back to town!!!

Until next time~
Peace, love and Warm Blankets


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday Night Brain Storming!

I love that once a week my friend Kari and I get together, avoid our kids (like good moms) and do as much brainstorming, creating and or just general b!tching. Tonight was more like a decompression session... just some time to chill. I worked on some photos and we talked about our upcoming venture (teaser again i know).

Another thing that came up... we need some new junkin' grounds... anyone have any suggestions for us? Thinking of heading toward Wichita so if you have any ideas of places south to south west on the Kansas Turnpike drop me a line! Inspiration is our fuel!

Here are a few necklaces I've been working on the last week. Enjoy!

"Lenox" Lava beads with sterling silver and a fantastic Spur Rowel and Nautical star pendant. Look for this one at soon!

"Ombre" my obsession with leather continues into necklaces now. "Pink Turquoise" (dyed Howlite) strung between double leather straps with a gorgeous Bali silver center.

"Tuscon" a junkers dream, leather gently holds a great turquoise donut with dangling charms of goldstone, turquoise, sterling silver and jasper.

I've been busy keeping up with my networking but its starting to make my head spin.... Twitter, FaceBook, MySpace, the Blog, my store.... oh wait I have a life too. I tell ya what, determination is a tough curse but I'm cool with that!

Until Next time~
Peace, Love and Gingham


Friday, January 2, 2009

RockStar Mentality

I'm so ready for all the great new things that 2009 has in store for me! I know that TPJ will be even more successful this year and I have some awesome news to share with all of you soon that will just blow your mind! I know you hate teasers... or at least I do but believe me, its well worth it!

Today I've devoted my whole day to TPJ and getting new stuff photographed, cataloged and listed. Even did a little creating while I was at it. I'm spent but its only 3pm.... I've got so much more time in the day!
So while I jam out I'll let ya'll check out the latest from TPJ!!

"Mentality" Totally perfect for anyone with that Rockstar Mentality! The rich colors, awesome winged nautical star and enameled star accents! I love this one and just want to keep it!
"Amber Waves" Another buckled cuff! This is prime leather with gorgeous tooling that looks like waves of grain... he he he
"Jubilee" delicious nuggets of cherry red coral with a gorgeous Brighton pendant.
"Haley" Custom order for my friend Angie's niece. Great way to show off your passion!
Well there are tons more but I have to keep this blog up so I'll save them for next time.
Until then~

Peace, Love & lavish leather